A Felon Can Sell Firearms without Possessing Them
By : Viola Coulter | Category : Asset Forfeiture, From the Courts | No Comments
9th Jun 2015
In Henderson, the Supreme Court ruled that a felon may sell firearms to whom he chooses provided that the buyer will keep the firearms away from the felon. more
What Would a National Criminal Justice Commission Bring Us?
By : Viola Coulter | Category : Bills | No Comments
29th May 2015
Some in Congress have proposed a National Criminal Justice Commission. Comprehensive research could be helpful, but it seems unlikely to happen. more
Can Police Extend a Traffic Stop to Use a Drug-sniffing Dog?
By : Viola Coulter | Category : From the Courts | No Comments
30th Apr 2015
The Supreme Court ruled that a traffic stop cannot be lengthened in order to conduct a dog sniff unless the police have reasonable grounds for suspicion. more
Will Congress Pass a Bill to Ease Reintegration after Prison?
By : Viola Coulter | Category : Bills | No Comments
14th Apr 2015
Several bills proposed in Congress would help people with criminal records reintegrate into society, but these bills will probably not become law. more
Are 22 Commutations a Glimmer of Hope?
By : Viola Coulter | Category : Inmate Issues, Sentence Reductions | No Comments
3rd Apr 2015
Given how few clemency petitions President Obama has granted, the sentence commutations for 22 inmates on March 31 are hardly grounds for hope. more
Significant Sentencing Proposals Have Scant Chance
By : Viola Coulter | Category : Bills | 1 Comment
19th Mar 2015
Some proposals for significant sentencing reforms have been made in the House of Representatives, but it is very unlikely that they will move forward. more
The CORRECTIONS Act Introduced
By : Viola Coulter | Category : Bills | No Comments
12th Mar 2015
Last year’s Recidivism Reduction Act has been introduced as the CORRECTIONS Act in the Senate. If wisely administered, inmates could earn an early release. more